If you own your practice, you have a thousand and one responsibilities beyond treating dental patients. Marketing shouldn’t be one of them.
That’s not to take anything away from dentists who manage their own practice marketing, but it’s a huge waste of their time and talents. Dentists don’t spend four long years in dental school to become pay-per-click or search engine optimization experts. No matter how skilled they might become at different aspects of marketing, they’ll never be as skilled as someone who practices the different aspects of marketing full time.
With all of the various hats that dental practice owners wear, one of the least useful is the marketing hat. It takes time away from the one thing that actually makes dentists money – doing the dentistry.
What Do You Get For Your Efforts?
The vast majority of dentists follow the same approach to getting new patients. They advertise specials, low prices, and insurance acceptance. But with almost every dental practice in town competing in the same way for the same limited pool of prospects, the war to be the low price leader is on.
Dr. James Kiehl of Nashua, New Hampshire knows this all too well. He said, “Some of the advertising I’ve done in the past was more offer-driven, free exam, X-ray kinds of things. When you bring patients in that way, you’re chasing them with the next offer or they’re chasing you for the next offer, all the way down the line.”
Competing on a level playing field shaves your margins to the bone. You need to see a high volume of patients to make a significant amount of money. But that high patient volume, day after day, takes a toll on everyone in the practice. The stresses of a volume practice can eat into your personal life as well as your professional satisfaction. And it can shorten the length of time you’re able to practice dentistry because your back and neck also pay a price.
When you’re that busy, the last thing you need is to spend even more time overseeing your practice marketing.
SmartBox Puts Your Marketing on Autopilot
SmartBox works with more than 550 dentists on three continents to help them get better dental patients. Those are people with the ability and willingness to pay more for the right dentist. Better patients represent far higher lifetime value to your practice, so you can make more while working less.
And SmartBox doctors are free to focus on doing the dentistry.
Dr. Thomas J. Feder of Belleville, Illinois became a SmartBox dentist. After our industry-leading Patient Attraction System had been operating for a short time, here’s what he told us.
“Our average case value has increased,” he said. “People are coming in looking for dentures and implants. The practice is now overwhelming our dental lab.”
Does that sound like a problem you’d like to have? If so, here’s your next step.
Visit www.smartboxdentalmarketing.com and click on the “Get Started” button. Schedule your free, no-obligation Practice Discovery Session.
Following the 25-minute phone call, SmartBox will send you your completely personalized, free, Patient Attraction Roadmap. It’s yours to use however you wish whether you partner with SmartBox or not
But if you do choose one of our service packages, you’ll discover that not only are you working more while earning less, you get to focus on actually doing the dentistry.
The post Just Focus On Doing The Dentistry appeared first on SmartBox.