Your practice marketing might be awesome in getting prospects to pick up the phone. But what happens when those prospects call for an appointment? Every prospect that calls your office but isn’t appointed is a waste of your marketing funds. And there are few dental practices that can afford to throw away money.
If you’re like almost all dentists, you believe that your front office does a great job appointing every new patient caller. And you may well be right … but how do you know? After all, you’re hopefully spending the vast majority of your time in your operatories, making money. You’re not hanging out in the front office listening to new patient calls.
This isn’t speculation. SmartBox analyzed every incoming call to our former Elite-level doctors’ practices for an entire quarter. And even though those dentists swore that their front office staff walked water, the results were appalling. Numerous unanswered calls during business hours. A high number of hangups. Messages left but never returned. And far fewer new patient callers not appointed due to poor phone technique.
This isn’t to take anything away from anyone’s staff. You hired them, so they’re certainly great people doing the very best they can. But front office staff rarely have any formal training in turning dental prospects into appointed patients.
One-Size Training Doesn’t Fit All
Generic customer service training programs aren’t designed to address the unique hopes, fears, and needs of dental patients. They don’t help phone answerers elicit the callers’ hidden doubts and fears; deal with spurious objections; take control of the call; and ask for the appointment at exactly the right moment.
SmartBox decided to fill that gap. Our proprietary, dental-practice specific Patient Attraction Phone Training and Certification course is the answer. Designed based on principles of applied psychology and our experience with hundreds of dental practices around the English-speaking world, this is state of the art instruction for your staff.
We’ve created an online, on-demand, self-paced course that addresses every aspect of what it takes to appoint every possible new patient caller. This isn’t merely a didactic course; participants listen to redacted recordings of actual patient calls and apply their learning to identifying positive and negative aspects of phone technique.
15 in-depth, step-by-step lessons also include on-demand video content, interactive quizzes, supplemental learning material, and much more.
Course completion time varies by the individual, but the average is around 15 hours total. And, you may be eligible for 8 CE hours when you complete the training!
Affordable and Oh-So-Profitable
Your subscription to SmartBox’s Patient Attraction Phone Training and Certification course includes UNLIMITED access for you and your entire staff (as well as exclusive monthly updates) for just $247/month!
Consider your average case value and how much even an additional five appointed patients means to your practice. You’ll see that this training is a bargain that will pay for itself many times over.
When you invest in SmartBox’s dental practice-specific phone training, your front office becomes a new patient-appointing POWERHOUSE!
For more information, visit or call one of our Digital Practice Consultants at 502-509-1413 for more information.
The post Appoint Every Possible New Dental Patient Caller appeared first on SmartBox.