Dentists are high earners, and with great income can come a great retirement. How’s your retirement looking?
Depending on how long you’ve been in practice, your retirement plans may have taken a hit during and after the Great Recession. Now, however, the economy is strong, unemployment is low, and people are spending on dentistry. This is the time to begin making certain that your retirement will be everything you want it to be.
The Rocky Road More Traveled
If you’re like most dentists, you’re pursuing the first option – spending countless hours hunched over the chair, doing too many low-value procedures. You can certainly save for retirement that way – tens of thousands of dentists do – but there’s a major problem with that approach.
It doesn’t leave enough living before retirement. What about time with family and friends? What happens to time away from the practice, de-stressing and enjoying life? While you’re waiting to enjoy your retirement, life is passing you by.
Do you really want to spend the next 10, 20, or even 30 years working too hard for too long for too little? That probably wasn’t and isn’t your plan, but how are you going to get off that deadly dental treadmill? And what happens to your retirement plans if your neck or your back gives up before you’re ready?
You fund your retirement in one of two ways – working harder, or working smarter.
The Smart Choice is SmartBox
SmartBox works with more than 550 dentists on three continents, providing a steady stream of better dental patients. SmartBox doctors can focus on doing the dentistry on patients that represent higher lifetime value to the practice. Many of our doctors find that they can work less, earn more, and enjoy life.
Dr. Scott Watterson in Jackson, Michigan partnered with SmartBox for those very reasons. He said, “I have four kids and a wife and we’re all busy, but sometimes being busy practicing dentistry is not what I want to be busy doing. I coach soccer, I am involved with my kid’s lives, I value my marriage and we spend a lot of time together, but not enough. And so, at the end of the day, at the end of life, I want to be able to look back and say I spent the time I needed to with those that mattered most.
“And so, focusing on dentistry, that frees up my time to be out of the office more is a huge thing, and that’s really where I feel SmartBox is going to make a big difference in my practice moving forward.”
Dr. Watterson made the Smart Choice. You can investigate what SmartBox can do for your practice, your life, and your retirement absolutely free.
Visit and click on the “Get Started” button. Schedule your free, no-obligation Practice Discovery Session. Following the 25-minute phone call, SmartBox will send you your completely personalized, free, Patient Attraction Roadmap.
Keep working harder and watch life pass you by, or make the Smart Choice.
The post Is Your Dental Practice Marketing Preparing You for Retirement? appeared first on SmartBox.