That old saying about mistaking the forest for the trees applies to dental practice marketing. In the wilderness of today’s rapidly-evolving internet it’s all too easy to lose one’s way.
Marketing companies love to tout various statistics – likes, clicks, shares, follows, and so on – to demonstrate the results they’re producing for you. That’s a lie, or at best a half-truth. All of those statistics are good and necessary things, but when it comes to money in your pocket, they won’t deliver what you actually need – more and better patients in your chairs.
A harsh truth – your marketing investment is completely wasted if two things don’t happen. The first is that a prospect must call to discuss an appointment. The second is that an appointment is actually scheduled.
If your current marketing company isn’t “sealing the deal” by getting enough qualified prospects to call, you might consider terminating your relationship with them. No dental practice can afford to waste money on marketing that doesn’t produce. And no dentist truly wants the one-and-dones, the price-shoppers, and the insurance-driven patients that most dental marketing companies produce.
Dentistry is too good a profession to spend your life chained to your dental chairs, suffering progressive debility from neck and back injuries.
The Other Side Of Sealing The Deal
Getting your office phones ringing is good, but only if those calls are converted into appointed patients. As good as your front office might be, there are prospects who hold firm to their objections, who let their fears drive their decisions, and who don’t become your patients.
Moreover, there are very few “naturals” when it comes to overcoming prospects’ objections, allaying their fears, taking control of the call, and asking for the appointment at the perfect time. Those team members are worth their weight in gold to your practice, and you should count yourself very fortunate if you have one on staff.
For everyone else, there’s SmartBox’s proprietary, dental practice-specific Patient Attraction Phone Training & Certification program.
It’s The Real Deal
Based on the principles of applied psychology and our experience with thousands of dental practices, our phone training program is head-and-shoulders above generic customer service training programs and provides vastly superior results.
Our online, on-demand training program includes:
- On-demand video content
- Real-life examples of patient calls
- Interactive quizzes
- Supplemental learning material
- New content added regularly
Mastering the materials yourself – or having your designee do it – will help you to coach your front office team more effectively and increase their productivity even more. And, you may be eligible for up to 8 CE credits for completing the course.
Best of all, SmartBox’s Patient Attraction Phone Training & Certification is surprisingly affordable. Just $247 a month covers your entire staff and provides unlimited access.
Your front office can become a new patient-appointing powerhouse with our phone training program. That gets you everything possible from your marketing investment and provides more and better new patients to achieve the practice growth you want.