If you’ve been following this blog for any length of time, you know that SmartBox Dental has gone through a number of evolutions. Rather than recapping all of those stages here, suffice it to say that SmartBox is now a dental practice growth company.
Here’s why that matters to you.
In today’s hypercompetitive online environment, the struggle for new, quality patients is real. Almost any practice can keep its chairs filled with insurance-driven, low-value, and one-off patients. If that’s what you want, so be it. You’ll work too hard for too long for too little in return, but you’ll make a decent living that way.
There’s a better way, though, and that’s to fill your chairs with new patients who want what you have to offer – because it’s you offering those services. Let’s look at what it takes to get those patients, and how SmartBox will make that happen for you.
Attracting New, Better Patients
It’s pretty much an online world these days, and savvy dentists will cover all their bases in their quest to get more of the cream of the patient crop.
You’ll need:
- Expert search engine optimization (SEO) to ensure that your listing is readily seen by prospects.
- A professionally-designed website filled with current and useful information that provides solutions to patients’ problems.
- A large number of highly positive patient reviews and compelling video testimonials.
- Expertly created doctor videos.
- A strong social media presence to engage prospects.
- Attractive and compelling paid media, and a sound strategy to avoid overpaying per click.
- Selective, targeted direct mail campaigns.
All that, just to attract the new patients you want. It’s nearly impossible for a small dental practice to handle everything in-house. Many dentists hire an array of specialists to provide online marketing, but that leads to the dentist or practice manager having to supervise those efforts.
SmartBox Handles Everything
We provide and manage absolutely everything dentists need to grow their practices. SmartBox handles all patient attraction services in-house; dentists have one point of contact and are free to focus on doing the dentistry and making more money. The one exception is if you have internal practice issues; we may refer you to a trusted partner.
Check out our Products page to learn about the innovative ways that we’re making dentists more prosperous than ever.
While SmartBox takes patient attraction “load” off dentists, that’s not to say that we neglect what your practice can do for itself to achieve success and growth.
The process starts with patient attraction, but there are five other A’s that are essential to your success – Answer the calls, Appoint the patients, ensure those patients Attend their appointments, lead them to Accept treatment, and keep an eye on your Average case value.
SmartBox Success Academy
Our online curriculum is designed to help dental practices thrive and grow by implementing a strategic approach to maximizing their performance on the 5 A’s – the only metrics that truly matter.
SmartBox Success Academy shows you and your staff how to make incremental gains in the 5 A’s that lead to amazing increases in your bottom line. You and your team cohere as a focused unit to achieve remarkable practice growth.
No matter what your idea of growth and success might be, you’ll need money to get you there. SmartBox will make that happen for you.