If you’ve been in dentistry for any length of time, you’ve probably discovered that the procedures to address certain dental problems are just more interesting and more gratifying to perform.
And unless you’ve been very fortunate, actually doing those procedures is the exception rather than the rule.
Instead, you’re doing a lot of exams, a bunch of drill and fill, and a ton of aligners. All that pays the bills, sure, but is this really what you envisioned when you were in dental school?
Probably not. And it probably doesn’t give you much reason to look forward to your day, because to actually grow your practice, you’ll have to do even more of the things that you find less rewarding. That may require even longer hours.
Every general practice has a certain number of “typical” cases. But if your new dental patients overwhelmingly fall into the typical category, look to your marketing as the reason.
You may be following the same path as your competitors – advertising based on the services you offer, on price, and on availability. That’s understandable, but with increasing competition, the rise of corporate dentistry, and declining reimbursements, a lot of dentistry is engaged in a downward price race.
When that happens, dentists are viewed by the public as interchangeable technicians. There’s no good reason for dental patients to choose one dentist over the other except for price and convenience.
When you attract price shoppers, you get a lot of drill and fill, hagglers, and non-loyal patients. What you don’t get enough of are the big cases, the interesting cases, the reasons to look forward to your day.
But there is a way to get back to doing what you love rather than living “hand to mouth,” and that’s to attract more and better patients.
Rather than competing on price like all the other interchangeable dentists in your market, you give patients reasons to choose you. You make yourself stand out from the rest. You give prospective patients reasons to trust you and current patients reasons to return. You position yourself as the expert to solve their problems.
You make yourself the only reasonable choice. And by doing that, you’ll get more and better patients.
Advertising alone can’t do that for you. To accomplish those goals, you need a system. A Patient Attraction System™.
My company works with over 450 dentists on three continents to help them get more patients, more profits, and more freedom. We offer our proven, industry-leading Patient Attraction System™ that can offer select dentists “double your practice” growth.
Are you ready to fast-track your success? Are you ready for more patients, more profits, and more freedom? If so, go to www.smartboxwebmarketing.com/application or just www.smartboxwebmarketing.com and click the green button on the right that says, “Get Your Marketing Analysis.”
If you’re spending more on advertising and not seeing enough return on your marketing investment, you have two choices. You can spend more on what’s not working for you, or you can take a different approach to attracting the patients, and the cases, that will give you more reason to get out of bed in the morning.