Are you spending thousands of dollars on a beautiful website, pay-per click advertising, and even some of the most sophisticated digital marketing tools?
That’s good, but it won’t guarantee you more and better patients.
Having your digital marketing tentacles flowing in every direction is not a strategy, especially if you’re uncertain what’s working and what’s not working. Dentists who get swept away in the latest marketing trends forget their main goal of putting more new patient butts in the dental chair.
They get distracted and forget to check what works. Or maybe they don’t know how to check or where to look.
SmartBox Web Marketing Founder and CEO Colin Receveur recently published an article in Dentistry Today — a leading dental publication — that pinpoints a few easy ways dentists can leverage their digital marketing to bring in more and better patients.
Click the link below to see how your dental office can use one of the oldest marketing tools to make your practice more profitable.