According to the ADA News, the number of dental school applicants exceeded the applicants for medical schools between 2000 and 2015. This is good news for the profession, but it may be bad news for you.
In response to the increased demand for dental education, and as there are many underserved areas in the U.S., more and more dental schools are opening. That means that the number of new dentists is going to increase over time.
That shouldn’t be immediately alarming, but if you’re taking the long view of your success – and you should be – this development can spell trouble for you down the road. Because those new dental grads need one thing quickly when they graduate – money to pay off that crushing dental school debt and position themselves to open their own practices.
Many of those new dental grads will join corporate dentistry, and that’s a problem unless you’re working in a very small market or you’re properly positioned.
If you’re competing on price, you’ll fail over time. Corporate dentistry will skim off those dental prospects who are motivated by price and availability. Why? Because the corporate chains can undercut you at every turn – price, discounts, specials, availability, economies of scale, and the persistence of their advertising. It’s a race to the bottom that you simply can’t win.
That leaves you fighting against your other competitors for your share of the better dental prospects. But dentists today are assumed to be competent, and you can’t easily explain how you’re different and better in a newspaper ad or brief radio spot.
Stand Out in Your Prospects’ Minds
If you can’t compete on corporate’s terms, you need to change the game. The best game-changer around is SmartBox’s industry-leading Patient Attraction System™.
Instead of chasing patients through advertising, the Patient Attraction System™ attracts new patients by positioning you as the only logical choice to solve their dental problems. By systematically positioning you to stand out from the crowd, you become the attractive dentist, the trusted and relatable dental expert.
The twenty percent of the population who can afford to pay more for an expert dentist they trust will choose you over your competitors. And that’s how you succeed against corporate dentistry and against your other competitors.
The writing’s on the wall – there will be more new dentists to feed the corporate machine, and the machine will come to your market, sooner or later. And if you’re not prepared, your practice is going to take a hit that it may not recover from.
The time is now to stop competing like other dentists and stand out in the minds of your dental prospects. If you’re the do-it-yourself type, you can find all the information you need to set up your own patient attraction system at
All the information is there, but it’s not a simple process. You’ll need to be prepared to devote a considerable amount of time and effort to developing, implementing, and tweaking your system.
Or, you can go to and schedule a Patient Attraction System Blueprint™ Session. They are reserved only for serious dentists who want to see a patient attraction system that can double their practice. You can get more patients, more profits, and more freedom.
And the Patient Attraction System™ is backed by our industry-leading $10K Guarantee.
Whatever you decide, decide soon. Those hungry new dental grads are coming for you.