I’ve been in this business for a while now, and I’ve seen just about every kind of dental marketing. Some of it’s not bad, some of it’s pretty good, and some of it is overblown hype.
You may have received a badly-written marketing email essentially implying that the company that sent it knows better than anyone else what works to attract a certain kind of dental case.
Sorry, but that’s the truth. Those kinds of claims are overblown hype, and dentists should be careful not to get taken in by them. With the incredible access to information that all of us have these via the internet, marketing “secrets” just don’t stay secret. Even if this company knows what works, it’s not the only one by a long shot.
If It Sounds Too Good to Be True…
Hype works because it’s targeted at people who are desperate, overly ambitious, or uncertain. The “hyper” hopes that the people reading the email won’t analyze it too closely. Hype is loaded with buzzwords that are essentially meaningless – “the most,” “premier,” “THE right (whatever)” – to try to elicit a knee-jerk reaction instead of a considered decision.
Hype makes a lot of claims, but offers nothing to substantiate those claims. And hype never, ever specifies the results they can realize for you. Instead of saying “We will increase your (new patients, phone calls, revenue) by X percent,” hype says, “You can get up to X percent.”
A one percent increase from your baseline is not the kind of result you want to spend your hard-earned marketing dollars for. But hype will claim that as a success if the company or individual is pushed to it.
To be fair, no dental marketing firm will bat a thousand when it comes to helping clients. There are too many variables that may not be known at the beginning of a marketing relationship. Market dynamics can change for many reasons, and what began as a reasonably good approach no longer works. Priorities can change. And some marketing firms just aren’t a good fit for some dentists, and vice versa.
SmartBox is a “Hype-Free” Patient Attraction Services Company
We’re not for every dentist. In fact, SmartBox is pretty selective about the dentists it works with to help them get more and better patients. Part of the reason to be selective is to ensure that one dentist’s Patient Attraction System™ won’t impact another SmartBox dentist in the same market. The other reason is that it takes a certain kind of dentist to abandon the “quick hit” of traditional monthly dental advertising and to appreciate a proven system that produces more new patients over time.
However, we guarantee the results we promise. And we back that guarantee with our own money. No other dental marketing firm offers a New Patient Guarantee like ours.
Don’t fall for dental marketing hype. If you’re committed to the success of your dental practice, visit www.smartboxwebmarketing.com/blueprint and schedule a Patient Attraction System Blueprint™ Session. They are reserved only for serious dentists who want to see a patient attraction system that can double their practice. You can get more patients, more profits, and more freedom.