In 2017, Colin Receveur released a groundbreaking work about dental marketing in an uncertain age.
The Four Horsemen of Dentistry: Survival Strategies for the Private Dental Practice Under Siege has proven to be enormously popular with dentists everywhere. The book identified four macroeconomic forces that pose a severe threat to unprepared dental practices: corporate dentistry, new dental school graduates, declining dental insurance reimbursements, and economic uncertainty.
Moreover, The Four Horsemen of Dentistry provided a proven solution for dentists to meet those challenges and thrive even during economic downturns.
It’s Only A Question of Time
The current economic expansion is already the 3rd-longest since 1854. Market corrections aside, the fundamentals show that the economy is strong and likely to remain so for some time. But every expansion is inevitably followed by a contraction. The Four Horsemen showed the danger of being unprepared for the unexpected.
However, there’s no reason not to make money – and a lot of it – while times are good.
Rise UP! The Keys to Ultimate Dental Practice Success is Colin’s latest groundbreaking work, and it’s scheduled for release in April.
Here’s a quick look at the contents:
Foreword Dr. David Moffet, BDS, FPFA, CSP
First Thoughts
Introduction: Being Busy Doesn’t Cut It Anymore
Chapter 1 Take the High Ground: Attraction
Chapter 2 Plant Your Flag: Conversion
Chapter 3 Patrol Your Territory: Follow-Up
Chapter 4 Intelligence Gathering: Tracking
Chapter 5 Call in the Elite Troops: SmartBox
Chapter 6 Cases in Point
Appendix Meanwhile, Back at the Bunker …
Additional Resources
The Strategy You Need to THRIVE!
Colin’s new book lays out, step by step, how you can take your practice out of the “street fight” of low-price dental marketing and seize the higher ground in your market. It’s a strategy that will safeguard your business during challenging times and allow you to experience Ultimate Dental Practice Success during the good times.
Dr. Raleigh Pioch of Salem, Oregon was an early adopter of Colin’s approach to getting more and better new dental patients. Here’s what he said.
“I’m living proof that the strategies covered in this book WORK. They work so well that they helped me take my practice from $800K to $3.2 million in just six years. We couldn’t stop the growth.”
By way of full disclosure, Dr. Pioch sold that practice for a handsome profit and has opened another.
Are you interested in the kind of growth that Dr. Pioch experienced? Then you have two options.
The first option is to wait until the book is released sometime in April. We’ll provide ordering information when it comes out. When you purchase the book – for a ridiculously low price – you’ll learn everything you need to know to implement the Ultimate Dental Practice Success strategy yourself.
The second option is to visit and click on the “Get Started” button. Schedule your free, no-obligation Practice Discovery Session. Invest 25 minutes of your time to learn how SmartBox’s industry-leading Patient Attraction System can provide a steady stream of new patients so you can focus on doing the dentistry.
Following the phone call, we’ll send you your free, individualized Patient Attraction Roadmap. It’s yours to use as you wish.
Keep reading the SmartBox Blog, and we’ll keep you let you know when Rise UP! The Keys to Ultimate Dental Practice Success is available.
The post Did You Hear About Colin’s New Dental Marketing Book? appeared first on SmartBox.