Dentists today routinely report that they’re awash in patients. That’s a good news/bad news scenario. Certainly, it’s better to have your chairs filled. It’s not good when the constant demands on you and your staff result in staff burnout, absenteeism, and even resignations.priceprice
Your practice may not be at that point yet, and hopefully it won’t. But it’s a very real scenario for dental practices who constantly keep their chairs filled. People – even dedicated people – aren’t built to work at full speed on a non-stop basis.
When The Problem Isn’t The Problem
Have you ever asked yourself why you’re keeping your chairs constantly filled? The short answer is so that you can make more money. That’s accurate as far as it goes, but it doesn’t go nearly far enough.
You don’t need a lot of patients to make money. You need patients who present higher average case value. You can make the same amount or more while working less.
You might not think that these “better” patients are out there. You’d be wrong. In any given market – except for areas that are severely depressed economically – at least 20 to 30 percent of prospects have the ability to out of pocket for the dental services they want from the dentist they choose.
The trick is to be perceived as the dentist of choice for the prospects you want to attract. That’s not something that you can accomplish as the low-price dentist in your market. In fact, advertising like all the other dentists in your area makes you – personally – indistinguishable from other dentists.
Stop The Madness!
Why would you want to attract price-shoppers and insurance-driven patients when there are better patients available? Why would want to condemn yourself and your staff to years of unending stress?
You wouldn’t, of course. Or at least, you shouldn’t.
SmartBox has helped more than four thousand dentists on three continents attract the patients they want. Those dentists have a wide array of choices: they can continue to work hard and make a lot more money. They can work less and still earn as much or more. They can choose to have time away from their practice to actually enjoy life. They can rapidly build practice value and take an early and very comfortable retirement, or begin their next ventures.
Those dentists can practice the dentistry they want with the patients they want. That’s a good life.
Stop Choking On Low-Value Patients
You can discover what’s possible for your dental practice by investing about the amount of time you need to place a single crown or dental implant. Schedule your no-obligation Roadmap call. It’s an in-depth look at your professional goals and the competitive forces in your area.
Following the call, you’ll receive a completely personalized Roadmap to your future success.
So, what’s your decision? Are you going to keep working too hard for too long for too little? Or are you going to focus on achieving a better type of success for you, your family, and your staff?