Any by that, I mean she would buy anything with an Apple logo and praise it as the best thing since sliced bread.
But it seems like these days, technology is advancing so fast that as soon as you buy one, something better is out.
“So what do I do with them after I upgrade?”
Something cool about old iPhones is you can convert them to a WiFi enabled iPod.
But aside from an iPhone there are very few things in life that you keep around after you buy a newer model:
- New Cars
- New Hand-pieces
- New Laptops
- New TV’s
- New Boats
- New Golf Clubs
So what about your Dental Website?
What do you do with your old websites after they are replaced or upgraded?
The first question I ask doctors is: “Does it need to be replaced?”
- Is your website still working for you?
- Or are you working to pay for your website?
- How many phone calls did you get from your website last month?
If you’re looking for information on evaluating your dental website read this or try this.
If your car has been trumped by this years model, if your 3-iron doesn’t send your ball as far and accurately as the new-and-improved, or if your hand-piece doesn’t work as well as it could, you would upgrade it.
Expect no less from your marketing and website.