Happy holidays!
This is a good time of year to remind ourselves to be grateful for family, friends, health, and prosperity. It’s also a good time to reflect on what we’ve done throughout the year to improve the lives of others.
Almost every dentist goes to great lengths to ensure the wellbeing of their patients. Many, many dentists make financial arrangements for patients in need, provide pro bono services, and contribute to their communities in other ways.
With everything you do for others, isn’t it about time that you did something for yourself?
SmartBox has a suggestion for a gift you can give yourself that will keep giving back.
It’s About Time
In our conversations with dentists, we’ve discovered that the one thing missing in their lives is time. Dentists everywhere are practically roller skating between rooms trying to keep up with a ridiculously packed schedule. They’re opening early, staying late, and working additional days and even weekends.
Dentists are working too hard for too long and, in many cases, for too little in return.
Dentists want more time away from their practices, time for family, friends, and themselves. But with demand for services so high, those dentists can only see one way to reduce their working hours, and that’s to bring on an associate.
That may work financially for some, but not for others. Even for those who are open to the idea, finding the right associate usually takes a considerable amount of time and effort.
If you want more time away from the practice, while making as much or more as you do now, your first step should be to contact SmartBox. Here’s why.
Better Patients Are The Answer
SmartBox delivers a steady stream of better dental patients for our dentists. Better patients are those who don’t much care about low price, discounts, specials, or insurance coverage. Those patients want what they want, and they’ll pay out of pocket for elective procedures from the right dentist.
Better patients yield far higher average case values than run-of-the-mill patients. With more appointments occupied by better patients, SmartBox dentists can work less, earn more, and enjoy life again.
Not only that, but our dentists don’t have to remain in general practice if they don’t want to. SmartBox is partnering with Dr. Ron Receveur to present the Dental Practice Transformation Seminar. It’s a systematic approach to moving from general to specialty practice that Dr. Receveur used to increase his revenues from $1.8 million to over $4 million in just 4 years!
Dr. Receveur’s practice, New Albany Implants, is now one of the premier destinations for implant patients in the Midwest. And he does it all while working only three days a week doing only the cases he loves!
Why Not Both?
Your future success starts with a Roadmap call. Invest about the amount of time you need to place a single crown or implant. The call is free and there’s no obligation of any kind.
Following the call you’ll receive your tailored Patient Attraction Roadmap to build your bigger and better future.
If you’re interested in attending Dr. Receveur’s groundbreaking seminar, you can learn more by visiting www.PracticeTransformationSeminar.com.
This holiday season, give yourself the gift of time – for family, friends, and living.