2018 is basically over. Hopefully, you made decent, if not good, money this year. And if you’re like most dentists these days, you probably worked way too hard and too long for what you made.
Are you looking forward to repeating those long hours, packed schedules, and no time away from the practice in 2019?
If not, take action now to position you and your practice to own 2019. This might be hard to believe, but you can work less, earn more, and enjoy life again. Why make next year a repeat of this year when you can make it so much better?
Take The Express
It’s doesn’t take much effort on your part to get out of the trap of having too many low-value patients in your chairs and being beaten up by dental insurance providers. It takes almost no effort to get more of the types of cases that you love to do, instead of an unending stream of routine examinations and drill-and-fills.
It also doesn’t take much time on your part, because SmartBox will do everything for you. Think of us as the express train to the kind of success you want.
You’re A Dentist. Do The Dentistry
SmartBox’s industry-leading Patient Attraction System is the comprehensive dental marketing solution. Our extremely talented and knowledgeable staff take care of all aspects of your marketing. It’s common for our dentists to have no involvement whatsoever in their marketing. They just focus on doing the dentistry and making money.
Dr. Kevin McMahon of Edgewood, KY loves not having to oversee his marketing. He said, “I’m very happy with SmartBox. It actually puts my marketing on autopilot. That makes it a lot easier for me. It’s something I don’t have to worry about. I’m the owner of the practice here, so I’m managing a bunch of people. If I can take something off my plate like that, that I know is quality, is going to work, that I’m proud of, that makes a big difference for me, I can put that to the side, and do other things I’ve got to do.”
Dr. Ron Receveur of New Albany, Indiana offers some insight into how well SmartBox’s Patient Attraction System® works. He said, “The number of visits to my website is down during the time that I’m collecting a lot more money, so we’ve extrapolated that information from more visits, less money, to less visits, higher quality patient, more collections. It’s working.”
It’s Time To Own The Coming Year
Your future success starts with a Roadmap call. Invest about the amount of time you need to place a single crown or implant. The call is free and there’s no obligation of any kind.
Following the call you’ll receive your tailored Patient Attraction Roadmap to build your bigger and better future.
So, here are your choices. If you like working too hard for too long on a stream of unending, routine cases that add little to your bottom line, more power to you.
But if you’re ready to make the practice of dentistry everything it should be, and get your life back while you make more money than ever, that path is ready and waiting for you.